Tramlines is the only farming podcast that delivers advice to growers on how to improve environmental performance and maximise farm profitability. By tuning into Tramlines, you will benefit from listening to episodes that feature experts and experienced farmers, who share valuable information on best practices, new techniques, and the latest research in agriculture. Join the experts fortnightly as they address common problems and solutions and stay up-to-date with the latest developments. With CPD points up for grabs on certain episodes, topics range from digital innovations to soil health and the discussions are supported by Agrii's extensive trials programme and environmental work.
Featuring: Farmer Tom, John Miles, Paul Pickford, Prof Andrew Neil, Ruth Mann, Tom Land, Kathryn Styan, Andrew Ward MBE and Simon Weaving. And more…
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Focusing on Phosphate with Agrii's Nutrition Specialists
Today we are going to be talking with Agrii's National Fertiliser Manager Tom Land, and John Charlton, Crop Input Specialist in the North East. This episode will be focusing on phosphate across various crops from cereals to maize, and looking at why it's so important to get the nutritional balance right, not just for the crop in the field but also for your farm business profitability.
Unlock phosphate and other vital nutrients in your soil with Agrii-Start Release. For detailed trial results, usage recommendations and tank mix compatibility, visit www.agrii.co.uk/our-services/fertiliser/agrii-start/release/
Tony Smith is your host on Tramlines. Based in the South West and with a farming background, he graduated with a B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture. He worked in the farming industry for many years before developing his career as a presenter.